July 2021

The Bad Boys of the Animal Kingdom

Some animals just seem to love to misbehave around us humans. It's actually pretty cool that they have such a rebellious streak, as long as they (and we) don't get hurt in the process. The Sun recently published a piece about various animals behaving badly, and while we don't know the stories behind each picture (and at least two are really grasping), some of them make us grin as we think about how mischievous many animals can be.

Government UFO Report

According to our own government, there have been dozens of incidences of UFO sightings that remain unexplainable. A new report details even more details as Americans across the country suddenly experience validation (or perhaps simply frustration after being laughed at for so long) but I'm left wondering why this isn't bigger news? Why aren't more government officials demanding answers?

New Cat Happiness App

Months ago we looked at a curious app that helped translate the sounds our cats made. In my home, we found it dubious at best, since my cats kept calling me "Mama." Now there's an app you can use to see how happy your cat is. The app, Tably, analyzes photos taken of your cat to see if they're a content fur baby or not.

Animals Older Than We Thought

How would it change the course of history if we discovered that animals have actually been around for another 350 million years than we previously thought possible? Fossils recently discovered in Canada suggest this. The sponge fossils, which represent the oldest animals in existence, look like little squiggles and are being thoroughly tested to ensure this world-changing discovery is in fact true.

Simone Biles Is More Impressive Than Ever

Simone Biles is an incredible role model and world-changer. She also happens to be an amazing athlete. She's always been so impressive but this... This is a whole new level of awe-inspiring. Not only is Biles taking a stand and putting her own well-being as a person front and center of her life, focusing international attention on mental health and its importance, but she's also shifting paradigms in the process.

August Crafting

August crafts often come in the form of the back to school variety, which can be incredibly helpful. Lots of people decorate notebooks, binders, locker shelves and decor and other fun crafts to help make their school year start off on the right start. But many people may forget that Lughnasadh or Lammas, the festival that begins the harvest season, is also the first day of August, making it a great time for some harvest crafts!
