December 2021

Nuclear Reactors 976 - NuScale SMR Company Is Planning To Go Public To Raise Money

     A lot of new technology comes from university research programs that spin off discoveries to private companies for commercialization. One major example would be NuScale which was founded in 2007 based on research at Oregon State University that started in 2002. NuScale was founded to develop, construct and sell small modular reactors (SMRs).

80s Performers Who Still Tour

My teen is going gaga over the fact that Journey and Billy Idol are going to be in town soon. We can't get tickets--not only are they too expensive, but it's just too crowded for our comfort with so many unvaccinated people--but it did make us wonder who else is still touring these days. My teen would absolutely love to catch some 80s favorites performing, especially if it's outside.

Outside, Distanced Party Games

My family and I are in a few groups filled with families with all kinds of beliefs and traditions, and we'd like to do some safe, outdoor activities this winter when it's not too cold. Distanced games for holiday get-togethers would be the best, but I'm having trouble coming up for ideas for the teenagers. They like being close together and playing card games best, so it's harder to have them play the kids' games.

Geeky Snowflakes

It's that time of year again--time for some geeky snowflake making! Each year people from all over the Internet make cool, intricate snowflakes inspired by various fandoms, and every year my family and I take part. Right now we have porg, Darth Vader and Cybermen snowflakes on our front door from previous years.

Snowy Gardens

Wintertime gardens aren't as popular as those in the summer months but you can definitely still have a beautiful garden in the wintertime. It's just going to be... different. For example, if you're a whimsical sort, you can decorate your garden with holiday figures, lights and other traditional winter decorations to help keep it festive and bright throughout the snowy months.

Christmas Eve in Seattle

Christmas Eve is rapidly approaching, and many people are still scrambling to decide what they'll be doing this winter holiday. Many are excited to spend it with family and friends after an isolating holiday last year, while others can't wait to get out and celebrate, hopefully safely with some vaccinated company. It's also a great day to scour for some Christmas-y food trucks to see if they might be open...

"Right to Food" Opens Door to More Animal Abuse

Have you noticed that all of these "Right to..." bills are incredibly suspicious and misleading? In my state, I've fought all kinds of "Right to..." bills, like "Right to Work," which demolishes unions and weakens worker protections, and "Right to Farm," which quietly helped protect puppy mills right after we'd voted to close them down! It is exhausting and there needs to be some kind of legislation to mandate that all bills be super transparent for the voters.

Puppy Mill Cruelty

The Humane Society of the United States recently completed an undercover investigation at American Kennels in New York City only to discover that puppies weren't being properly cared for. In one instance, a puppy even died from neglect. The HSUS says that the pipeline from puppy mills to pet stores is a cruel one where the animals' needs just aren't being met.
